Fixed Income Sales and Trader

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Бизнес - Финансы - Продажи / Менеджер по продажам
MeritKapital Ltd is an FCA and CySEC licensed investment firm with offices in the UK and Cyprus. The firm has a fixed income focus and has a niche in the emerging markets. Within the fixed income space the firm is active both in the primary and secondary markets and trades on its own books as well as on behalf of clients. Our sales products include but are not limited to bonds sovereign and corporate debt instruments within the developed but also the emerging markets.

Job Description:

Existing book of business is preferable
Must be highly motivated individual passionate about their strengths to expand their client base and reach a higher level of success
Execute orders in a manner consistent with best execution practices
The ability to provide market commentary both for internal and external purposes
Must be highly analytical and be able to understand market dynamics, mis - pricings in the secondary market and identify yield premium versus benchmarks in the primary markets

Essential Qualifications:

3+ years of experience
Bloomberg professional, MarketAxess, Tradeweb
English language
Bachelor’s degree with a minimum grade 2:1 is a must (or equivalent)
3 A’ level qualifications with a minimum grade B is a must (or equivalent)

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